Winnakee Land Trust

Bird Walk at Vlei Marsh with Waterman Bird Club

WHEN: Sunday, June 1 at 8:00AM

WHERE: Vlei Marsh Preserve, 186 Vlei Road, Rhinebeck

REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Capacity is limited. Suggested donation $10 per person, $25 per family.


Join us with Dr. Alan Peterson and Frank Margiotta of the Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club for a guided bird walk at Vlei Marsh, an e-Bird Hot Spot! As the second largest regional wetland with a core forest interior, this 165-acre Preserve attracts a wonderful diversity of bird species. At this late spring event, we will also be able to observe migrating species, including many warblers. Past walks have observed: Great Blue Heron, American Coot, Sora, Virginia Rail, Wood Duck, Common Gallinule, Osprey, Eagle, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Eastern Bluebird, Scarlet Tanager and Baltimore Oriole. There will be something to enjoy for all levels of birders!

About the Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club

The mission of the Waterman Bird Club is to provide the opportunity for the study and observation of birds and other wildlife; to promote conservation through education of the public by lectures, nature walks, and related programs; and to promote research in the fields of ornithology and conservation by active participation or monetary support.  Learn more at

Parking at Vlei Marsh Preserve is limited: Carpooling is encouraged and appreciated. If the lot is full you may park on Vlei Road on the preserve side of the street.

Getting there

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